application of ceramic, carbide, and metallic coatings

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Machine engineering industry

  • Sheet piles (dowels) and sliding bearings, guides. Housings, bearing seats, shafts, and dowels
  • Pumps: sliding rings, discs, shafts, pump protective sleeves
  • Machine spindles, distributor bushings, collectors
  • Hydraulic machine components – piston rods, servomotors, plungers, pistons, valves

Food industry, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries

  • Pistons, rotors, distributors, distributor bushings, collectors, valves, pump shafts, mixers – contact points with seals, bearing sheet piles, rotating heads

Chemical and petrochemical industries

  • Pistons, shafts, sliding rings, fans, shaft protective sleeves, cyclones

Mining and extraction industries

  • Pistons, plungers, piston rods, cores, servomotors, irrigation nozzles, bearing sheet piles for shafts, rotors of electric motors

Energy and thermal power industry

  • Thermal barriers, turbine blades, guide vanes, valve rods, sliding rings

Application of ceramic coatings, as well as carbide and metallic coatings. Characteristics

  • High coating hardness up to 70 HRC and microhardness up to 1600 HV0.3
  • Resistance to wear, erosion, and cavitation
  • Corrosion resistance
  • Low friction coefficient of the coating on sliding surfaces
  • Resistance to high temperatures, oxidation, and exposure to hot gases
  • Thermal barriers
  • High electrical resistance - ceramic dielectric layers
  • Excellent thermal and electrical conductivity (e.g. copper coatings)
  • Thickness from 50 μm to 10 mm
  • High level of adhesion of the coating to the substrate - up to 100 MPa
  • Tightness and low porosity of coatings from 0.1%

Surface treatment thermal spraying  «CERTECH» Sp. z o. o.



These technologies allow:

  • Change the properties of the top layer of a device part, for example, strength, roughness, friction coefficient
  • Restore to nominal dimensions - parts can be regenerated and repaired
  • Increase the reliability and uptime of parts and devices
  • Increase the technical readiness of production workshops and equipment
  • Extend overhaul periods
    Protect new machine parts from accelerated (premature) wear